Thursday, 20 March 2014

Resetting Avaya 1608-i Phone to factory defaults

After searching around and finding conflicting advice I found the following method for resetting Avaya 1608-i phones running firmware hal1608ual_340D (may work for others as well)

Plug phone in.

When "* to program" shows press *.

When "enter PROCPSWD" shows enter C R A F T # on the keypad.

Press # to all the values shown and when "Enter command" shows (will be the last option) press the mute key and enter the following: C R A F T C L E A R #

"Clear all values?" will show. Press # and # again to confirm.


  1. Thanks so much, I've spent months looking for a code that actually works on my IP Phones. None of the documented information in Avaya I looked at mentions this code.

    Do you have by any chance the origin of this information? is it in a public and official document?

    Thanks again.

  2. By the way my Phone firmware is HA1608ua1_350B

  3. Thank you so much, i have called my supplier and technical team, then also no use. But, now i got the code what i need to reset.

    Thanks again.

  4. Could be 'cuase i got Avaya IP Office 9?

  5. Hi,
    Thanks for this tutorial.
    I'm working now on an IP phone 1608-I. When it boots up, and i press * , it asks me to enter PROCPSWD. please, help, need i reset or enter a password ?

  6. dear all.

    I have a 1608-i but now I can not connect to this phone. I try code CRAFT # as instruction but after press #, phone restart and problem still remain.

    My phone firmware is ha1608us1_360A.bin

    1. ha1608ua1_360A.bin (not ha1608us1_360A.bin)

  7. muy buen aporte gracias desde Ecuador

  8. Nice article. Thank you for sharing this valuable detail. Avaya Charlotte

  9. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Abad. Usa el teclado numérico para deletrear CRAFT sería 2-7-2-3-8

  10. pasos para registrar avaya 1608-I alguien podria ayudarme
